Creative Tracks interview

Thank you Creative Tracks and On the Move for this interview and for highlighting our work in Performing Arts in its World Exploration Section.

We are very happy to share it with you!

VERDEVER: A beacon of brilliance from Buenos Aires promoting arts and wisdom

After the Producers' Academy  under the Creative tracks framework, we asked Buenos Aires-based producer and cultural manager Paz Begué from VERDEVER for her insights.
VERDEVER promotes a wide variety of performing arts. How important is diversity to your work and your audiences?
We would say that the shows we promote, either for children or adults, have in common an aesthetic and conceptual care. Beyond the artistic genre or the story of the play, adults and children appreciate and enjoy a professional and beautiful piece which captivates them.
From your perspective what is the role of creative industries in economic development and social integration?
We think creative industries are valuable in both aspects.
As an industry it generates work with its cultural products. On the other hand the subtle side of the artistic products brings awareness and makes us connect with emotions, thoughts, joy, laughter… which are important for oneself and society.
Our perspective in VERDEVER is to promote both aspects.
Read the full article >here<.

Creative Tracks interview
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