LA LUPE in Tecnopolis 2019

In September and October, we will be part of  TECNÓPOLIS CULTURAL PARK.  
It takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and we are invited with Company LA LUPE to perform the puppets theatre show for children LA CASA DADA VUELTA. 



From 6th  September to 20th October 2019

Fridays at 11:30AM,  Saturdays & Sundays at 2:30PM.

For more information check >Tecnopolis website here<

You are all welcome, free entrance to the show and all the activities at Tecnópolis Cultural Park.


If you need any further information, please contact Paz Begué, or | Resultado de imagen para whatsapp icono logo +549 11 66950513

LA LUPE in Tecnopolis 2019